Banker’s Joke Some Men Are Really Thrifty (SMART) A Chinese man walks into a bank in New York City and asks for the loan officer. He tells the loan officer that he is going to China on business for two weeks and needs to borrow $5,000. The bank officer tells him that the bank will Read More…
Category: Joke
Woman & Geography
Between the ages of 15 – 20 a woman is like Africa. She is half discovered, half wild. Between the ages of 20 – 30 a woman is like America. Fully discovered and scientifically perfect. Between the ages of 30 – 35, she is like India & Japan. Very hot, wise and beautiful. Between the Read More…
The Ten Commandments of Marriage
Sedikit hiburan di pagi hari ini tambah comment-comment gw yg ga penting 😀 Commandment 1 Marriages are made in heaven. But then again, so is thunder and lightning. YK: hehe siapa sih yang ga pernah ribut dalam kehidupan perkawinan. tapi gw menganut prinsip yah ga boleh tidur sebelum masalah selesai. Jadi ya pastinya juga semua Read More…
Hasil Iseng-iseng
Pagi-pagi iseng ga ada kerjaan terus browsing google dengan judul :Tips kurus terus gw ke link deh ke satu forum gitu, ternyata pakai bahasa Malay. Dicoba untuk dicerna dengan bahasa Indonesia, berikut ini hasil interpretasi gw.. hayoo coba pada nilai udah bener belum
Miss Comm
Miss Comm bukanlah gelar baru di pemilihan Miss Universe or Miss World or Miss Indonesia. Miss Comm adalah miskomunikasi, problem yang sering ditemui oleh berbagai manusia di seluruh dunia. Contoh kasus tadi pagi : Cek ruang meeting bos ternyata mesin kopi Illy penuh, ada tulisan “Dregdrawer Full”. Teleponlah ke pantry minta tolong dibersihkan. Yang angkat Read More…