
Tadinya ga mau cerita, tapi siapa tahu gw boleh berharap ……
Jadi kan, gw punya wish nih sebuah wish nih, iya sebuah (ato dua) wishes deh, hehe yaitu pengen banget nonton konser Jay Chou or Michael Buble kalau mereka concert di Asia (Jakarta,Singapura, KL, Macau or Hongkong). Budget tertentu pun sudah gw targetin. Doa gw hampir kejawab neh saat gw tahu Jay Chou mau concert di Sing tanggal 23-25 July. Show yang tanggal 25 itu sebenarnya tambahan karena peminatnya luarrrrrrr biasa. Jadi tiket 23-24 itu sold out hanya dalam waktu 2 jam dan karena masih banyak yang ga kebagian, dibukalah extra show di tanggal 25 terus tiketnya baru boleh dibeli tanggal 5 May dimulai dari jam 9 am.

Wah, tekad gw udah bulat sebulat matahari untuk dapatin tiket itu, duduk manis di depan komputer, siapin nomor passport, nomor kartu kredit, dll, biar ga lama masuknya. Dan beneran gw bisa masuk, udah pilih seat, masukin data, dkk terus tiba-tiba dia bilang :  Sorry your time is out, please try again later.

WHATTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT????????????? Terus pas gw mau coba itu ga bisa tuh sampe pegel gw refresh-refresh terus. Dan 8000 tiket itupun kejual dalam waktu kurang dari 2 jam. Hikss .. langsung gw patah hati, sepatah-patahnya, lebih parah dari putus cinta. Hahahhaha … lebay..

Terus gw curiga, apa karena tulisan ini yah:

Show on 25 July 2010
Priority sales for all OCBC Credit/Debit Card commences on 5 May 2010 and ends on 7 May 2010

Tapi kan itu Priority bukan Exclusive for, berarti ga bener dong tulisannya. Kalau priority berarti kan kalau lu punya OCBC itu dapat seat tertentu dan bukan ga boleh dijual ke pemegang kartu kredit lain? Ya ga???

Ternyata kecurigaan gw bener  pas baca berita ini :

MANY Jay Chou fans were angry that they could not get tickets to the third night of his upcoming concert in Singapore because they did not have an OCBC credit or debit card.

They had not known that the tickets were for sale only to OCBC customers from Wednesday morning to Friday, the first three days of the opening of tickets for Chou’s concert at the Indoor Stadium on July 25.

IT specialist Jake Lee went to the Sistic outlet at Northpoint Shopping Centre in Yishun at 9am on Wednesday, an hour before tickets were released for sale at the outlet. But he could not buy tickets because he did not have an OCBC card.

He knew that ticketing company Sistic’s website stated in red that priority would be given to OCBC card-holders but he thought it applied only to online bookings. Besides, he pointed out that ‘priority’ could mean anything.

Said the 27-year-old: ‘Priority could mean that the first 2,000 tickets are reserved for OCBC card-holders but that was not the case. I don’t think it is fair to have the first three days of ticket sales reserved for OCBC card-holders because tickets for this concert sell out very quickly.’

In the end, he called a friend with an OCBC card to go to Northpoint to buy the tickets for him. By which time, he could get only tickets to seats that were not together. He had originally planned to get four tickets.

Sistic chief executive Kenneth Tan and Ms Adeline Low, director of Scorpio East, which is organising the concert for the Taiwanese pop star, issued a joint statement about the situation: “OCBC is the official card sponsor of Jay Chou’s concert in Singapore. This sponsorship is between Scorpio East and OCBC. For the ticket sales of the first two shows, card members were given seven days’ priority booking and this was communicated via ads on TV, print, Scorpio East’s website and Sistic’s website.

“The tem ‘priority booking’ is an industry standard and has been in practice for as long as we can remember. The term has never been misunderstood in the past. In addition, OCBC had also taken out ads in the papers informing the public of the priority booking period.”

On Sistic’s website, the information reads: “Show on 25 July 2010: Priority sales for all OCBC Credit/Debit Card (holders) commences on 5 May 2010 and ends on 7 May 2010.”

In the joint statement from Sistic and Scropio East, Mr Tan and Ms Low added: “For the third show, priority booking was reduced to three days. However, given the high demand of the concert, this was sold out very quickly again. The rate at which the tickets have been snapped up by the public is very exceptional.”

All 8,000 tickets were sold out in about two hours from the opening of Sistic’s system at 9am on its website, phone hotline and the main outlet at the Indoor Stadium.

Student Toh Wei Xiong, 20, is one fan who will not be watching his idol live in concert this year here. He left the Sistic outlet at Northpoint empty-handed. “This is a last chance for fans to get tickets. They should not continue with this priority promotion because it’s unfair for fans who do not have the OCBC card.”

Housewife Chris Pang, 49, who had gone to the Sistic outlet at Bishan Junction 8 to buy two tickets for her son and his friend, did not have an OCBC card. But she got someone in the queue who had a card to buy the tickets for her.

She said: “There were many people around me who did not have the OCBC card, and had to do what I did to get the tickets, but I can understand why other people who were not as lucky as me would feel disappointed and find this system unfair.”

When asked, Mr Thevanathan Pillay, assistant director of the legal department of Consumers Association of Singapore, said: “I would suggest that consumers who are unhappy with this write in to the Competition Commission of Singapore, as it could be a breach of the Competiton Act.”

Jadi pertanyaan gw, bolehkah gw BERHARAP supaya kasus ini diperkarakan terus gw bisa pesen tiketnya secara online lagi dan make one of my wish come true????

Sekian postingan yang ga penting ini 😀 Mari bantu gw buat berharap!!

10 thoughts on “Berharap

  1. ocbc apaan tuh? gak pernah denger..
    lagian jay chou sering kok konser jadi gak dapet yang ini kali2 nti dapet yang konser dia ke indo jadi lebih hemat kan hehe 😛

    1. hu hu hu .. jay chou ga pernah ke indo, mana mau dia? masak sih penduduk singapur doyan gitu ama si Jay ampe 24rb tiket abis semua ga bagiin gw 1 aja…….. hikss

  2. selama ini yg gw tau orang rebutan tiket gratis/murah airasia hehee..
    Mudah-mudahan lo bisa dapetin tiketnya ya..

  3. Hi yulia, salam kenel juga!!

    Utk konser jay chow, gw malah taunya pas temen gw uda ribut ” shit, its sold out! ” en ternyata ngmg-in tiket jay chou. Hehehe..

  4. Tenang,tenang,sampe desember ntar pasti Jay Zhou bakal ngadain konser di tempat laen. Hopefully dapet tiket n malah foto2an ama Jay yaaa…

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