Between the ages of 15 – 20 a woman is like Africa.
She is half discovered, half wild.
Between the ages of 20 – 30 a woman is like America.
Fully discovered and scientifically perfect.
Between the ages of 30 – 35, she is like India & Japan.
Very hot, wise and beautiful.
Between the ages of 35 – 40 a woman is like France.
She is half destroyed after the war but still desirable.
Between the ages of 40 – 50 she is like Germany.
She lost the war but not the hope.
Between the ages of 50 – 60 she is like Russia.
Very wide, very quiet but nobody goes there
Between the ages of 60 – 70 a woman is like England.
With a glorious past but no future.
After 70, they become Siberia.
“Everyone knows where is it, but no one want to go there.”
wah yul…gw kaya amerika dong sekarang hahahaha bentar lagi kaya jepang 🙂
padahal kan lu pengennya korea ya?
wakkaka, bentar lagi gw expire, bakalan ngungsi ke France 😀
ikut dong ke france.. ajarin org french ngomong bali 😀
ahahaha… lucu banget, gapapa dah gua dibilang very hot and beautiful 😀
yo’i kalo ga bang david mana naksir..